Here at URBAN AINT DEAD, one of our authors will be spotlighted on our blog every week. This will allow our readers to get to know some of your favorite authors more personally and even get an inside scope about the making of some of your favorite URBAN AINT DEAD titles.
This week, we asked Telia Teanna one question:
"If you could name three books that influenced your writing style the most, what would they be and why?"
And this is what she had to say:
The three books that have most shaped my writing style would be The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah, Trust No Bitch by Nene Capri and Ca$h, and Bitch by Joy Deja King.
I think that The Coldest Winter Ever is such an iconic and important book to not only the urban fiction genre but for Black culture in general. My writing style was heavily influenced by the book because it was the first time that I actually saw myself and the people that I knew reflected in a book in a way that I was able to relate to. It was that book that gave me faith that I too, could influence the masses with my own writing. This book is what made me say I wanted to be an author.
Now, Trust No Bitch… That story had me, invested, okay! It was the way that Treebie’s ass was written that had me rooting for her triflin’ self on the low. She was so cold wit’ it! She was the first “villain” character that I fell in love with. This is the book that made me decide to write character driven stories. I couldn’t stop thinking about the characters for weeks! I wanted to have that same kind of impact.
And Bitch was the book that made me want to have plot twist after plot twist! Precious was aunty in my head lol. She was authentically her and was gonna make stuff happen regardless of what was going on. I remember my mom telling me that I could read it but I had to skip over the sex scenes (I didn’t, of course lol), and then we could talk about it. This entire series was a major inspiration for me because it made me want to write books that my mama would love and want to have discussions about.
Hands down, all three of these books are in my Top Ten and holds a special place in my heart.
Look out for her debut release with URBAN AINT DEAD, Ridin' For You, COMING SOON!
Make sure you are following Telia Teanna as well as the URBAN AINT DEAD on Instagram.