As usual, here at URBAN AINT DEAD, we like to put a spotlight on our authors and give the readers a chance to get the inside scoop on the makings of some of their favorite novels. Today, we’re sitting down with Mia Sky, The Pen Goddess, to get some insight on her writing style and what she brings to the Urban Fiction industry.
1. Who does Mia Sky, The Pen Goddess, write for?
I write for my ancestors. Once upon a time they didn’t allow us to read or write. We had to sneak and if we got caught, we got punished…Like, how do you punish us for embracing literary art?
2. If you had to pick a part of your writing process to be your favorite, what part would it be?
My favorite part is outlining my story. I really love getting deep into my character development. I create each character individually and I allow my own personality traits to live through them.
3. Since you have a background in journalism, is that something you feel adds to your ability to write great stories.
I feel like before my journalism journey, I’ve been a great writer. The only thing journalism has done for me is make me a great researcher which helps out when I am creating these stories. That alone is a great addition.
4. What do you believe makes your writing style unique and stand from the rest?
I don’t allow reviews to dictate my style. I’m authentic when it comes to my writing. I have my own style, I use my own language and slang. Most people don’t like to read books with slang in it. But, I’m from the Bay Area and Oakland to be exact…I’m going to ALWAYS incorporate home into my novels. If not, am I even being myself forreal?
5. Which of the stories that you’ve penned so far has been your favorite to write? Why?
My favorite stories I’d have to say is Forever His Millennium Book 1-3. It was my very first series and it challenged me to put my best foot forward. After completing this series, I realized that I’ve truly developed as a writer.
6. How did you get the title of, “The Pen Goddess?”
Honestly, I was revamping my Instagram one night and I’m like “Sky Wrote It is boring.” So, I hit up my sister P.Wise like “Hey what should I change my IG name to?” I was not expecting her to say The Pen Goddess and she did. I stuck with that and stood on business. I felt honored that someone as great as Pretti Wise would even put that crown on me like that. Thats my sis, she inspires me so much, so I ran with it.
7. Are there any tropes or scenarios that you’ve yet to write about but plan on writing soon? Can we get a hint or two?
Yes, I plan on writing some erotic stories. I also have been dabbling in dark romance and supernatural. 2024 I plan on dropping plenty of different heat. Yes, I am an urban author, but I can also pen different works as well.
Mia Sky's URBAN AINT DEAD debut, Merry Trapmas is available NOW on Amazon. You can read it free with Kindle Unlimited, here.
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